Sometimes we want to tell a story how it is, maybe adding some of us, but reporting what it happens and what we see.
To the fourth sense, who else?
Early decades of the 21st century. People in the street tell of a present that is changing on the basis of a recent past that they did not fully understand. Is it the advent of a new way of being human? And is it true that affection is no longer conveyed through touch and warmth?
Lavori Seri
LavoriSeri is a webseries (and is not). Some creative artists tell about their work experiences in the italian artistic field. They show us how they have turned their passion into a real employment, through resolution and tenacity. Produced By Cubik Tv.
Calmdown EPK
What makes an artis became that? Discovering the journey of Calmdown.
Opera 33
A little video that tell the story of this really magical club in Milan.